Juanma Lamet Madrid


Updated Tuesday, January 23, 2024-02:39

  • Politics Sánchez's educational move: 500 million in Language and Mathematics to extend the model that exalts Castilla y León in PISA

  • Education One in four children between 12 and 14 years old consumes porn: "They replicate what they see and that's where the packs come from"

When the PP's electoral program for the general elections was being prepared, the experts who advised the

popular parties

on educational matters had a debate about how to focus the party's plans in this area.

In the end, those who opted to focus on “equal opportunities” to try to “snatch this social flag” from the PSOE won the game.

Now, in the midst of the amnesty process, the PP wants to join forces in its autonomous communities to protect its educational model with a package of measures that prevent "the jurisdictional grievance" from also reaching the classrooms as it has, according to sources from Genoa. , to immigration.

This shock plan includes several measures that the PP wants to "agree" with its baronies.

The Popular Party's Deputy Secretary General of Education summoned all of the PP's education advisors this Tuesday in Genoa to talk about how to rearm the party in this area.

"We are going to reinforce education in our territories as a differential and alternative element of the PP compared to the PSOE," she says in Genoa.

Among the measures on the table will be the reduction of student-per-classroom ratios, the free provision of all Vocational Training, the promotion of free early childhood education from zero to three years, the requirement for a single Selectivity, the recovery of special classrooms and differentiated for children with special needs or better regulation of the use of screens in classrooms.

In addition, of course, to reinforcing Mathematics and reading comprehension, “a measure that the PSOE has copied from us;

"He only gets it right when he copies us," they say in the PP.

At a time when the Government has recognized a negative side in both Mathematics and reading comprehension, and has announced a reinforcement plan worth more than 500 million euros, the PP wants to "agree" on a common front in educational matters. of the 12 communities in which it governs.

In this educational conclave the intention of the popular autonomous governments to take their educational demands to the Conference of Presidents that

Pedro Sánchez

has committed to convening will be confirmed.

"The framework is inequality between citizens," explain the sources consulted, because the main opposition party fears that Catalonia will artificially benefit from the new plan to reinforce the black points in the PISA report.

Networks and mental health

The other major focus of pressure from the PP regarding young people is going to be the problems of digital addiction, and its impact on mental health.

For this reason,


will visit the Madrid Technological Addiction Care Center today.

In this act, the president of the PP will ask the Government to design a "comprehensive plan for the protection of minors in the digital environment."

And he will demand "formulas of support for families."

This "could imply an additional budget allocation" and "coordinated action" by central and regional governments.

"We have to approve new protocols," they add.

The demographic data from


​​and the

2023 Family Watch Barometer

speak for themselves about the magnitude of the problem.

15 out of every 100 Spanish adolescents present severe symptoms of depression.

And 11 out of every 100 have had or have suicidal thoughts.

Furthermore, more than half of families blame these problems on social networks.

More data: more than a third of students suffer some form of bullying, and of those, a quarter is cyberbullying.

That is why the PP leader will propose creating a subcommittee in Congress to deal with youth addictions.

It is an issue that is latent.

To give "a national debate" by listening to the experts: "It cannot be that parents do not have support."