The request comes after information that Turkey's parliament may vote on Sweden's NATO membership on Tuesday.

That would risk making Hungary the last country to let Sweden in - which they promised would not happen.

According to the vice-chairman of the social democratic opposition party MSZP, Tamás Harangozó, the handling of Sweden's NATO application has been "a senseless charade" that has "brought shame on the Hungarian people".

- By lying about the date of the approval and the reasons for the delay, they achieved no results.

It is time for Orbán to stop the stupid, harmful and unnecessary charade, he tells SVT.

Must be approved

In order for the opposition's proposal for an extra meeting to become a reality, the parliament's drafting committee must approve the proposal, which MSZP believes would be positive for Hungary and for NATO.

"We socialists are therefore taking the initiative to call the parliament to an extra meeting.

Let's finally accept the proposal that Sweden should join NATO", they write in a press release.

The party proposed the same thing in October 2023, but the request, then supported by the other opposition parties, was rejected by the preparatory committee, whose chairman is close to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the ruling Fidesz party.