Luis F. Durán Madrid

Daniel J. Ollero Madrid



Updated Tuesday, January 23, 2024-02:26

  • Events A man is handed over to the Civil Guard for the triple murder of Morata de Tajuña: "I am the one who killed the three brothers"

  • Events The brothers murdered in Morata were attacked with hammer blows by a lender who is being investigated for the triple crime

The Civil Guard is investigating whether Dilawar Hussein Fazal, alias

El Negro

, 42 years old and confessed murderer of Morata de Tajuña's brothers, could have had the help of another person to commit the triple crime.

The agents have asked Arganda's neighbors and his roommates about a Pakistani who lived with Fazal and who cannot be located.

It is being investigated whether that man could have provided cover or helped the murderer in his travels, since

the triple murderer did not have a driving license and could have taken him from Arganda to Morata

on the day he ended the lives of the three septuagenarians in his house. .

The murderer, who surrendered early Monday morning at the Civil Guard barracks as the author of the death of the three brothers, had been residing for approximately a month with several Pakistani compatriots in a two-story house on Avenida del Ejercito 41 in Arganda. del Rey, a municipality where he ran a parlor for several years where he met the Morata sisters.

Yesterday, Civil Guard agents questioned numerous people to see if they knew or had seen that Pakistani compatriot.

On Monday afternoon, the Civil Guard agents, with the corresponding court order and accompanied by the murderer himself, went to the Avenida del Ejercito in Arganda to

search the two-story low-rise house

that had been sealed since yesterday morning. .

Within the framework of

Operation Calvario

, the Civil Guard will search for evidence in that home and the weapon supposedly used by the arrested person.

It is a hammer or a blunt element used to beat

the three septuagenarian brothers to death.

The author of the triple crime yesterday admitted his guilt in the murder of Pepe, 79, Ángeles, 74, and Amelia, 71. He said that he killed the three brothers, since they had ruined him and that he was desperate to recover the money he had lent them, about 30,000 euros.

However, sources close to this statement admit that the arrested person made inconsistencies in his account of the events.

He added that he was unemployed and that he asked Amelia over the phone for the money that her brothers owed him, since he could not approach them.

He insisted that they did not respond to his messages and that at no time did he threaten them even though they did not comply with what the sisters agreed to return the money he lent them, about 50,000 euros.

'El Negro', the confessed murderer of the three brothers in Morata.EM

The bodies of the three brothers were

found last Thursday partially burned, piled up and with traces of blood at the entrance to the two-story home.

The door had not been forced and all the blinds were drawn.

The neighbors had not heard from them for more than a month and they were the ones who raised the alarm.

It is suspected that

El Negro

entered the brothers' house with his own key that he still had from his stay in Morata de Tajuña.

He then argued with Amelia and in a fit of rage he beat her to death.

He then stabbed and assaulted the two brothers who were also in the house to death.

It is not believed to be a premeditated or prepared crime.

The autopsy of the three murdered was completed yesterday, but due to additional tests requested by the coroner, the lifeless bodies of the three brothers have not yet been made available to the family.

The arrested man lived several months ago with the victims in their home in Morata, who

left him a room in the house to compensate for the money they owed him.

At first, they had a good coexistence and I even accompanied the elderly to carry out errands and purchases.

According to some neighbors,

El Negro

even lent about 30,000 euros to the brothers in exchange for returning double that amount over the months, hence the claim for the 60,000 euros.

Since that was not the case, he then began to threaten them, going so far as to tear off an earring and slap Amelia, who did not report him.

But then in February he attacked her again, this time with a hammer to the head, and when she was on the ground, he kicked her, which caused her significant injuries.

They notified the Police, but

the sisters did not want to report them

, according to municipal sources.

But the agents acted ex officio and

El Negro

was arrested.

Then, the Court of First Instance and Instruction number 3 of Arganda del Rey

issued a provisional prison against the detainee for these events, communicated and without bail

, a resolution that was subsequently confirmed by the Provincial Court.

The trial for these events was held on September 12 and

he was sentenced to two years in prison with a ban on approaching within 500 meters

and communicating with the victim for two years and six months.

The brothers murdered in Morata were attacked with hammer blows by a lender and were victims of a love scam

The sentence was in accordance and became final, a circumstance that allowed the defense to request that same day the benefit of the suspension of the execution of the custodial sentence, without opposition from the parties.

Once it was proven that the accused met the legally required budgets for the granting of the benefit,

the court set him free, although conditional on his compliance with not committing a crime for two years

and six months and paying the compensation to which he had agreed.

From those around the deceased, they have told the agents that at least seven years ago the sisters Amelia and Ángeles, both single, had met two supposed soldiers on Facebook, with whom they entered into a long-distance pseudo-amorous relationship.

After some time,

one of the alleged soldiers informed them that the other had died and that he needed a significant amount of money

to be able to collect an inheritance.

Since then, one of her deceased women began sending money to the account of her American boyfriend Edward, who kept asking her for more and more amounts with various excuses.

Although friends and family alerted them that they had fallen into so-called love scams, the sisters insisted that the romance was real while they went into debt to satisfy the demands of the supposed lover,

going so far as to ask several acquaintances for money.

A few days ago, the neighbors alerted the town council that they had not seen the brothers for a month (since the day before Christmas Eve), who were well known in the municipality because they participated in many social and cultural activities.

At first,

they thought they had gone on vacation,

but since they didn't respond to calls and messages, they were surprised.

Last Monday the Local Police proceeded to carry out the initial judicial proceedings, in coordination with the Civil Guard post in the town.

Thus, they began negotiations with the Investigative Court of Arganda del Rey, which sent the

judicial order to enter the property,

located at Avenida de España number 18.

Thus, at 11:30 a.m. last Thursday, members of the Territorial Judicial Police Team of the Civil Guard of Arganda entered a home, with judicial authorization, finding the three bodies.

They were

"partially burned, piled up and with traces of blood

," the same sources have indicated.

The house in which they were found

was their second residence.

They had other homes in Spain, which they could have sold to satisfy the requests of the alleged lover or debtors, something that investigators will have to examine.