Updated Tuesday, January 23, 2024-18:49

  • Family The two words with which Telma Ortiz breaks her silence to give her opinion about her nieces, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía

  • Meeting After months missing... Why did Telma Ortiz and Rania from Jordan meet in New York?



(50) doesn't like being in the news.

But she occasionally breaks her silence, and when she does, she always speaks well of her sister,

Queen Letizia


Last night the economist attended a private dinner in honor of Hillary Clinton

at the Génova Financial Club in Madrid

and addressed the

Europa Press

microphones to praise her.

The reporter showed closeness to the Queen's sister, maintaining that the sovereign has conquered the Spanish and that

"we love her very much

. "

To which Telma Ortiz responded, showing her softer side: "Me too, a lot."

Without half measures, she insisted that she is "the best" in everything.

She claimed her as a family member, ensuring that she is "the best sister."

She joked that

she hasn't had to earn it


"Mine already came from a series conquered" she indicated.

After these statements, Felipe VI's sister-in-law

said goodbye to the reporter

from the aforementioned media: "Everything is very good, thank you very much."

Telma Ortiz and Robert Gavin Bonnar, 2018Gtres

His life is in order, or at least apparently.

Since 2018 she has been with Irishman Robert Gavin Bonnar.

Focused on her two daughters

- Amanda (15), the result of her relationship with Enrique Martín Llop, and Erin (2), with the Irish lawyer - the economist has been working for a while as

Associate Manager of External Relations

and Strategy at Concordia, a NGO that works with the United Nations.