“When purchasing a blanket, give preference to certified stores.

Carefully study the instructions and strictly follow them (this applies to any electrical appliances, including conventional convectors, heating pads, electric sheets).

When turning on the electric blanket, place it flat.

If you turn it on crumpled or folded, it will most likely overheat,” warned RT’s interlocutor.

He said the blanket should be turned off or unplugged when not in use.

“It is important to ensure that the room where the electric blanket is used is maintained at room temperature: if the bedroom is cold, the electric blanket will generate more heat to compensate.

Store the device in a safe place when not in use.

Do not place heavy objects on it or spray it with protective chemicals.

To avoid damage to fragile wires, they should be rolled up rather than folded,” the expert advised.

It is strictly forbidden to place anything on top of the blanket or touch the blanket with wet hands or other parts of the body, Shamin recommended.

“You can sleep all night only under a blanket equipped with a special security system.

Do not allow pets near you: they can suffer themselves by overheating and damage the blanket, which will lead to a short circuit or fire.

Each electrical appliance has a service life, it is indicated in the instructions.

In relation to electric blankets, it must be strictly observed: usually ten years from the date of release, such devices become potentially dangerous due to wear and tear of the fabric and wires,” the specialist emphasized.

Earlier, information appeared on social networks that a Moscow pensioner burned alive under a heated blanket.

In October 2023, experts spoke with RT about the reasons that could cause a smartphone to catch fire.