One of the cases, which Sydsvenskan was the first to tell about, concerns a three-year-old boy with a milk allergy who was accidentally served pancakes, intended for gluten allergies.

He was taken by ambulance to the hospital, where everything went well.

But the incident is not the only incident of its kind, it turns out.

Preschool administration called to a meeting

From the same month, December 2023, there are two more cases reported to the environmental administration - that is, two more occasions when children had to be taken to care in an ambulance after being given the wrong kind of diet at their preschools.

- We will investigate them all and see what is behind it.

We will also have a meeting with managers at the pre-school administration to get to the bottom of this.

We of course expect the special diet for our children to be 100 percent safe, says Maria Svensson, head of food control at Malmö's environmental management, to SVT Nyheter.

Underreporting of incidents

According to her, there are also signs that many incidents of improperly served special diets are not reported at all by the preschools.

That too will be discussed at the meeting.

- I think that the pre-school administration underreports.

We often find out afterwards that incidents have occurred, they should have been reported to us directly.

Then we have a greater opportunity to investigate them in a good way, says Maria Svensson.

See the interview with Maria Svensson, head of food control at Malmö environmental management, in the clip above.