China News Service, Xining, January 23 (Reporter Zhang Tianfu) On the 23rd, after more than a month of careful treatment, the last earthquake casualty treated at Qinghai Provincial People's Hospital was successfully discharged.

Qinghai Provincial People's Hospital announced that so far, 35 earthquake casualties who had been transferred to the hospital for treatment have all received effective treatment and returned home safely.

The picture shows the medical staff of Qinghai Provincial People's Hospital caring for the last earthquake casualty in the hospital.

Photo by Tie Yong

  The 6.2-magnitude Jishishan earthquake that occurred at 23:59 on December 18, 2023 caused a total of 772,000 people in Gansu and Qinghai provinces to be affected to varying degrees, with 151 deaths and 983 injuries; 70,000 houses collapsed and 99,000 houses were seriously damaged. rooms, 252,000 houses were generally damaged; direct economic losses were 14.612 billion yuan.

  The 6.2-magnitude Jishishan earthquake became one of the top ten natural disasters in the country in 2023.

It is reported that after the 6.2-magnitude earthquake in Jishishan, medical institutions at the provincial, municipal and county levels in Qinghai received a batch of earthquake victims.

  "You have reached the standard of clinical cure. After you are discharged from the hospital, you should exercise more, pay attention to the length of time you get up and down, and do further rehabilitation treatment and rehabilitation exercises, so that you can recover better and faster..." In the ward, the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Qinghai Provincial People's Hospital Chief physician Zhang Rong and head nurse Li Fangqing carefully advised the earthquake-injured Guo and her family on what to pay attention to after being discharged from the hospital.

  According to a reporter from China News Service, after the earthquake, Qinghai Provincial People's Hospital received a total of 42 earthquake-wounded people, of which 35 were hospitalized. It is the Qinghai provincial hospital that has treated the most earthquake-wounded people.

The hospital launched an emergency plan and established a medical treatment working group to implement "one person, one policy, classified treatment" according to the different conditions of the injured, and implement simultaneous advancement of medical treatment, nursing, rehabilitation, and psychological counseling.

  In addition, the reporter learned from the Fifth People's Hospital of Qinghai Province that on the morning of January 16, experts from the hospital's earthquake casualty treatment team conducted a multidisciplinary ward round on the last earthquake casualty admitted to the hospital. After careful evaluation, the casualty's condition was completely The patient was stable and met the discharge indications and was discharged on the same day.

  Xing Yanxia, ​​deputy director of the Fifth People's Hospital of Qinghai Province, said that this treatment work reflects the effectiveness of the construction of the hospital's trauma center, and the tacit cooperation of multiple disciplines allows the hospital's superior resources to be concentrated on the treatment of the wounded.

  The reporter learned from the Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University that all the earthquake victims treated there have been discharged.
