- It will have a radical impact on the hospitality industry, but it is absolutely necessary for flight safety, says airport manager Andreas Fredriksson to SVT.

According to the calculations, there are 35 flights that cannot take off and land at Kiruna Airport when the runways are renovated.

Ambulance flights can be affected and of course also the tourism industry.

- We have collaborated with Kiruna Lapland and Swedish Lapland to try to find alternatives for airlines to land at other airports, but of course it will have a radical impact, says Andreas Fredriksson.

SVT has searched for Peter Salomonsson, CEO of Kiruna Lapland, but has not been able to reach him.

To P4 Norrbotten he says, among other things:

- It is about thousands of travelers who cannot fly to and from the city for about two weeks this summer.

We have enough challenges with train traffic.