William Molinié / Photo credit: SEBASTIEN BOZON / AFP 2:04 p.m., January 23, 2024

The author of the attack against police bikers in April 2020 in Colombes in Hauts-de-Seine will be tried for attempted assassinations in connection with a terrorist enterprise from March 11, national day of tribute to victims of terrorism. 

During the investigation, he tried to minimize his act.

To pass it off, in turn, on the back of covid or madness.

But it is for attempted assassinations in connection with a terrorist enterprise that Youssef Tihlah will appear before the special criminal court in Paris from March 11.

Date of the national day of tribute to the victims of terrorism, established since 2020 by Emmanuel Macron.

On April 27, 2020, Youssef Tihlah, then unknown to the intelligence services, deliberately drove a car into bikers from the national police who were carrying out a road check in the town of Colombes in Hauts-de-Seine. .

Two police officers were hospitalized due to multiple fractures and are still suffering from after-effects today.

“Live under Sharia law or die as a martyr”

Four other municipal police officers were given total incapacity for work of more than 90 days.

When Youssef Tihlah was arrested, a letter of allegiance to Daesh was found on him, scribbled on the back of a Covid travel certificate.

Two knives were found in his vehicle.



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During the investigation, he indicated that he wanted to die as a martyr.

“I would like us to live under Sharia law, otherwise I would rather die as a martyr. It’s not hatred, it’s conviction,” he justified during a psychiatric examination.