Ana Garcia Romero

Updated Monday, January 22, 2024-9:40 p.m.

  • Andalusia Hillary Clinton spends the weekend in Seville on a private visit

Many Sevillians were surprised.

Friday night, the street crowded and in the middle of the crowd a commotion of escorts and curious onlookers.

Hillary Clinton had just arrived in Seville on a private visit, from Madrid, where she had given a conference.

The former North American Secretary of State traveled to the Andalusian capital with her country's ambassador to Spain,

Julissa Reynoso

, for a private visit where there was no shortage of flamenco and fried



For lunch on Saturday they chose Río Grande, one of the city's trendy restaurants that counts Sevillian businessman Rosauro Varo among its partners.

Like another tourist

, Clinton was able to eat artichokes or the famous


in a booth overlooking the Guadalquivir and the Torre del Oro. "

I'm happy to be here

," she said briefly upon her arrival.

See this post on Instagram

After lunch, the former North American first lady and her entourage

began a sightseeing tour

that took them to the Archive of the Indies and the Real Alcázar, the Patio de Banderas, the Giralda and the Cathedral, including the tomb of Christopher Columbus.

Or the Plaza de España,

where she was photographed with her friends

on the tiled benches of the provinces of Cádiz and Barcelona.

If the day was intense, the night was no less so.

The appointment was at the Palacio de Dueñas for a dinner and party organized by

Eugenia Martínez de Irujo

for a few very chosen guests.

Hillary Clinton arrived

accompanied by the ambassador

, among other members of her entourage.

The president of the Junta de Andalucía,

Juanma Moreno

Bonilla, was waiting for her at the door, who went to Dueñas with his wife, Manuela Villena.

A very special, relaxed and fun night awaited everyone.

The evening began with an appetizer of croquettes, ham, loin,

cheese and other typical Andalusian delicacies

before the guests went up to the dining room to enjoy dinner in the palace's dining room.

Hillary occupied a central place at the main table alongside a friend, the Andalusian president, the ambassador and the hostess, as well as Infanta Elena, who chose a very Andalusian look with black pants with cookie-sized polka dots.

Other guests sat at other tables such as Manuela Villena, Narcís Rebollo, the bullfighter

José María Manzanares with his wife, Rocío Escalona

, ​​Rosa Tous and her husband, Gracia Barreiros (friend of Doña Elena), Rocío Báez Spínola with her husband, Peter;

president of Fundación Cajasol, Antonio Pulido, with his wife,

Fini Sáez


the group of Hillary Clinton's companions who arrived with her from the United States, and Eugenia's lifelong friends.

The menu (veal round with mashed potatoes and confit onion and

heavenly bacon with cream as dessert

) was made entirely in the Dueñas kitchens.

See this post on Instagram

After dinner came the party.

The room located in front of the palace chapel became a tablao with tables and chairs like those in the booths at the April Fair.

David Bisbal and Vanesa Martín were the first to sing, as a duet and solo,

with Pablo López on the piano


And the big moment arrived: those from the River performing

Seville have a special color

and, of course, their



Hillary, very smiling, did not hesitate to accept the invitation of those from Dos Hermanas to dance the iconic song that swept the world and caused a sensation at the 1996 Democratic convention, where

she herself started taking the steps


Dueñas' funny moment was recorded by Eugenia Martínez de Irujo, who did not hesitate to upload it to her networks.