Efe Madrid


Updated Tuesday, January 23, 2024-20:40

The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, assured this Tuesday, on the 29th anniversary of the murder at the hands of ETA of Gregorio Ordóñez, that "terrorism is neither covered up nor forgiven, it is investigated and condemned until the end."

Feijóo has participated together with the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, in a floral offering in tribute to the president of the Guipuzcoan PP assassinated by ETA in 1995, held in the Gregorio Ordóñez Gardens in Madrid.

On the day in which the PSOE has agreed with Junts to include terrorism crimes in the amnesty law, with the exception of those that have caused serious violations of human rights in a manifest manner and with direct intention, Feijóo has mentioned, without going into the substance of the matter, the amnesty.

"No unworthy pact forces us to remain silent or to pretend that they are democrats or lovers of peace, we leave that indignity to others who intend to give others amnesty and oblivion," he noted in reference to the pacts of Pedro's Government. Sánchez with the Catalan independence movement and EH Bildu.

For her part, the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, stated that "democracy does not whitewash anyone and it ceases to be so if the law is not applied," which is why she stressed that "amnesty for terrorists does not fit in a democracy as is happening these days".

He promised that in the Popular Party "we will be up to par and with the good ones."

For this reason, "we will always accompany the victims and defend their return with honor, dignity, justice and truth."

In this sense, he recalled that this January 23 "we are in mourning" while the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, "votes for the person who put us in mourning" and stressed that, while the leader of the PSOE "calls it coexistence" she calls it “indignity.”

Ayuso defended that in said act "you will not find those who supported terrorists, nor those who talk about conflict or those who have handed over Pamplona to Bildu."

"We are always the same here and we will never forget your defense of a Basque Country in freedom," he stated.

The regional president defended that in the Popular Party "we are not friends of ETA, nor do we want its support, nor do we beg for safe conduct," but rather "we are disciples of Gregorio and Miguel Ángel and so many who gave their lives for others."

For this reason, she stressed, "we will not agree with the executioners, we will not embrace the spokespersons."

Finally, Ayuso defended that Ordóñez was a "brave and brave" man and defended that "this is what the Popular Party has to be like" and called on the terrorists to "clarify the crimes" so that there is "justice, truth and reparation."