Gerard Melgar Barcelona


Updated Tuesday, January 23, 2024-19:59

The institutional vice-secretary of the



Esteban González Pons

, has been forced to rectify his words against the current

Constitutional Court

, which he had described as a "cancer of the rule of law."

In a colloquium organized today at the

Círculo Ecuestre of Barcelona, ​​the



had indicated that, for this reason, it is possible that his party "decides not to appeal anything else" before the body chaired by

Cándido Conde-Pumpido

, pending that there is a new composition.

"The comparison with cancer is not fortunate. I want to withdraw it and apologize in a very concrete way to the people who suffer or have suffered from this disease," he expressed hours later.

In his clarification, González Pons has also clarified that the future

amnesty law

that is approved in the

Cortes Generales

in a few months will be appealed by the PP: "We will not leave any political, social or judicial avenue unexplored to avoid an illegal and unfair."

During his speech at the colloquium, the vice president of the

European People's Party

insisted that the


is "politically contaminated" and "discredited."

"We find that the referee is deciding the result of the match and, in that case, our entire constitutional architecture collapses," he stated.

"If we turn to the


and allow a politically contaminated ruling, we will make it easier for them to change the interpretation of the


," he expressed.

On the other hand, González Pons believes that, if his formation chooses not to do so, it will deprive the court of guarantees of the possibility of "mutating" the Magna Carta.