“On a missile attack in Kharkov and the region.

Military Chronicle sources report that the mercenaries arrived in Saltovka.

Most likely, the French again,” the material says.

It is noted that in the Kiev region the strike also hit a location, but who exactly was the target is still unknown.

It is noted that the Ukrainian air defense forces “worked on a nine-story building and a five-story building.”

“On the outskirts of Kharkov (exit towards Slavyansk), two Ukrainian air defense missiles hit a five-story building and fell on houses in the private sector.

Balakleya - flew to the pioneer camp where the Kraken had a base.

In Chuguev, arrival at the location of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and warehouses with military bases,” adds Military Chronicle.

In the morning it was also reported that explosions were heard in the Kyiv area and in Kharkov.

“Mirror of the Week” wrote about explosions in the city of Pavlograd in the Dnepropetrovsk region.