China News Service, Hong Kong, January 21 (Reporter Dai Xiaolu) The inauguration ceremony of the sixth council of the Hong Kong Institute of School Managers (the Institute) was held in Hong Kong on the evening of the 20th.

Lam Kin-wah, Chairman of the Hong Kong School Managers Association, expressed the hope that all school managers will make good use of the association’s platform and make more contributions to cultivating future pillars.

The inauguration ceremony of the sixth council of the Hong Kong Institute of School Managers.

Photo by China News Network reporter Dai Xiaolu

  The organizer said that since its establishment in 2013, the society has been actively speaking out on different education issues, sparing no effort to promote contacts and exchanges among school managers in Hong Kong, and has organized a number of study tours and education forums.

The members of the sixth council will be sworn in in early January 2024. There are currently 29 honorary directors, directors and co-opted directors, and the society has more than 700 members.

  In his speech, Lin Jianhua expressed his hope that through the platform of the Institute, he hopes to unite school managers with different identities in various schools in Hong Kong, including school-running group managers, independent school managers and teacher school managers, to jointly care about Hong Kong education and improve the quality of education.

He mentioned that the Society has held many lectures on national conditions and education, and has also actively expressed positive opinions on social and educational issues; the Society has jointly organized 6 school manager training courses with the Hong Kong Metropolitan University and the School of Professional and Continuing Education of the University of Hong Kong; the Society has also provided individual School sponsoring groups and schools provide “school-based manager training courses”, etc.

  Lin Jianhua said that in the future, he will continue to uphold the purpose of the society, promote high-quality education, pay attention to education development trends and policies, make suggestions and feasible plans to the SAR government; also provide training, exchange and communication platforms for school managers and educational personnel; actively support and participate in society Public welfare activities, serving the society.

In the long run, the society will set up a non-profit-making school as its long-term goal.

  Members of the sixth council of the Society stated that they will promise to abide by the Constitution of the Hong Kong School Managers Association and Hong Kong laws, serve the Society wholeheartedly, and promote the development of education in Hong Kong.
