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Ron DeSantis, Governor Florida

»After our second place in Iowa, we prayed and thought everything through again.

If there was something I could do to get a better result - more appearances, more interviews - I would do it.

But I can't expect our supporters to invest their time and resources if we don't have a clear chance of success.

That's why I'm ending my campaign today.

I am proud to have delivered 100% of my promises and I will not stop.

It's clear to me that the majority of Republican voters want to give Donald Trump another chance.

After the first Republican primary in Iowa, the governor of Florida was a good 30 percentage points behind the ex-president.

He then spoke very favorably about DeSantis at a campaign appearance in the US state of New Hampshire - unlike usual.

Donald Trump, former US President

»Before we begin, I would like to congratulate Ron DeSantis and of course his wonderful wife Casey on running a good presidential campaign.

He ran a very good campaign.

I'm telling you, it's not easy.

You think it's easy?

But it is not easy.

But, as you know, he dropped out of the presidential race today at 3 p.m.

That was very dignified and helps me.

I recognize that.”

The polls prove Trump right.

But one challenger remains.

And they don't want to admit defeat yet, at least rhetorically.

Nikki Haley, candidate for US presidency

»Do you hear that?

That’s the sound of a two-person race.”

At a campaign meeting on Saturday, Haley attacked her opponent - particularly targeting his age.

He had apparently previously confused Haley with the 83-year-old Democratic politician Nancy Pelosi.

Nikki Haley, US presidential candidate

»I'm not saying this in a derogatory way, but I have concerns.

When dealing with the pressures of a presidency, we can't have anyone in office who we don't think is mentally fit.

That doesn't work."

Some of DeSantis' previous supporters are now likely to join the Trump camp.

Keith Ammon, Ron DeSantis supporter

»I think it's good that he [DeSantis] quits at the peak.

He got a good second place finish in Iowa.

He still has a long political career ahead of him.

He is only 42 years old.

He has a young family.

I'm happy to support him in the future, maybe in 2028. But for now I will support Trump.

I think Trump is the clear winner and what our electorate wants.

Others are put off by Trump's recurring antics.

And the argument that Nikki Haley could be the first woman to move into the White House also seems to be gaining traction.

Kate Kaiser, voter from Maine

»I was happy to see him [DeSantis] because I wanted to hear from all the candidates.

But actually I'm glad he's out.

Now it's a two-person race.

I would like to see the first female president of the United States.”

However, everything currently indicates that there will be a new duel between Trump and the Democratic incumbent Joe Biden in the presidential elections in November.

Matt Cody, New Hampshire voter

»This is honestly the worst case scenario.

If that happens, then we have failed as a country.”

Trump is clearly ahead in the polls for the New Hampshire primaries.

But the distance to Haley is significantly smaller.

And: In New Hampshire, voters who are registered as independents are also allowed to take part in the Republican primaries.

That should suit Haley.
