Report from this newspaper, Macau, January 21 (Fu Zimei, Tang Jia) The Macau SAR government held the 2023 Medals, Medals and Certificates Award Ceremony on the 19th.

The Chief Executive of the Macau SAR, Ho Iat Seng, awarded medals, medals and certificates to 28 individuals or entity representatives at the ceremony.

  Macau martial arts athlete Li Yi was awarded the Anemone Medal of Honor. She won the gold medal in the women's Changquan event at the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou.

The Medal of Honor is divided into the Grand Lotus Medal of Honor, the Golden Lotus Medal of Honor and the Silver Lotus Medal of Honor. They are awarded to individuals or entities that have made significant contributions to the image, reputation or development of the Macao SAR.

  The Macau Basic Law Promotion Association, the State Key Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Sciences of the Macau University of Science and Technology, and the Macau “One Account” inter-departmental cooperation team were awarded professional merit medals; Zhang Quan Pain Pain Oil Chinese Medicine Factory (Macau) Co., Ltd., Hovione Pharmaceutical Science Co., Ltd. and Macau Cement Factory Co., Ltd. were awarded the Medal of Merit in Industry and Commerce; The Best Bakery Souvenirs Co., Ltd. was awarded the Medal of Merit in Tourism; Macau Polytechnic University’s Machine Translation and Artificial Intelligence Application Technology Engineering Research Center of the Ministry of Education, Song Yonghua, President of the University of Macau, Felizbina Carmelita Gomes, principal of Bishop Rumis Kindergarten, was awarded the Medal of Merit in Education; Vice Chairman of the Macau Artists Association, Liu Fuye, was awarded the Medal of Cultural Merit; Macau Kiang Wu Nursing College was awarded the Medal of Merit in Charity; the men’s karate team of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou The team, Macau karate athlete Guo Jianheng and Macau martial arts athlete Cai Feilong were awarded the Sports Merit Medal.

There are seven types of merit medals, awarded to individuals or entities that have made outstanding contributions in professional activities, industry and commerce, tourism, education, arts and culture, social welfare and charity, and sports.

  The Anti-Corruption Bureau Task Force (Team L) of the Macau Independent Commission Against Corruption was awarded the Medal of Valor; Bodhi Elderly Integrated Service Center, Liang Yuxian and Ye Zhiling were awarded the Social Service Medal.

The Distinguished Service Medal is divided into the Medal of Valor, the Medal of Achievement and the Medal of Social Service, which are used to commend individuals or entities that have outstanding performance in performing duties, participating in responding to public events, or providing social services.

  Eight social groups and individuals, including the relevant participating teams from Peizheng Middle School and the relevant participating teams from Haojiang Middle School, were awarded certificates of merit.

Certificates of merit are divided into certificates of merit and certificates of honor, which are used to commend individuals or entities that have made outstanding contributions to the reputation, development or social progress of the Macao SAR and should be particularly respected and valued by the public.

  The Macao SAR government established the system for awarding medals, medals and certificates in 2001.

(People's Daily Overseas Edition)