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Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian

Photo: Denis Balibouse / REUTERS

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian plans to visit Pakistan on January 29th.

Iran's Foreign Ministry announced this on Monday.

The two countries had carried out the most violent air strikes against each other in the past few days.

In its statement, the ministry added that Iran and Pakistan will exchange ambassadors on January 26 and resume normal relations.

Iran's Foreign Ministry confirmed this statement: "At the invitation of Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani, Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran Hossein Amir Abdollahian will pay a visit to Pakistan on January 29, 2024," it said in a statement.

Just last week, Pakistan said it had attacked extremists in Iran following an Iranian airstrike on its territory.

The Pakistani Foreign Ministry spoke on Thursday of "targeted military precision attacks against terrorist hideouts in the Iranian province of Sistan-Balochistan" in the southeast of the neighboring country.

Several “terrorists” were killed.

Iranian state television reported that three women and four children were killed in a Pakistani rocket attack on a village near the border.

The fatalities were not Iranian citizens.

Pakistan had previously accused Iran of killing two children in an airstrike on its territory.

In response to the attack, the government in Islamabad recalled its ambassador to Tehran.

Pakistan and Iran repeatedly accuse each other of allowing extremists to carry out attacks on the other country from their territory.

The current air strikes by both countries are increasing tensions in the region amid the Gaza war between Israel and the Islamist Palestinian organization Hamas.

Making matters worse are attacks by the Houthi militias in Yemen on merchant ships in the Red Sea, to which the USA has responded with attacks on Houthi positions supported by Iran.
