Yazan was playing soccer with his brother when he was hit by shrapnel from a missile.

At the hospital in Gaza, they failed to operate on him.

- They tried to amputate my leg at the European Hospital in Khan Younis, says Yazan.

Now he is being cared for on board the French warship La Dixmude, which has been converted into a hospital.

About 120 people have lived on the ship, which is stationed outside Egypt's Al-Arish, since it arrived two months ago.

Over 1,000 patients have been received for consultation during the day.

"Meeting with eyewitnesses"

SVT's foreign reporter Stina Blomgren and photographer Antonia Sehlstedt have been the first European media to visit the hospital ship.

- For us as journalists, it was special because, during this three-month-long war, we have not been allowed to enter Gaza.

So for us it was also a meeting with eyewitnesses from the war, says Stina Blomgren.

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Among other things, operating theaters have been built in the large warship.

Hear Stina Blomgren tell about the visit.

Photo: Antonia Sehlstedt

Both military personnel and civilian healthcare personnel work on the ship, including around eighty French specialists.

Many of the patients are children and most have been amputees.

- Their lives have been saved because they were able to be evacuated to the hospital ship, says Stina Blomgren.

According to the chief doctor on board the ship, all the patients they received from Gaza are malnourished.

- Even those who do not look emaciated have extremely poor values, which indicates that there is a shortage of food in Gaza, says Stina Blomgren.