Guinea: journalist Sékou Jamal Pendessa placed under arrest warrant

The general secretary of the Union of Press Professionals (SPPG) was, this Monday, January 22, before the public prosecutor, following his arrest, Friday, January 19, for having called for a demonstration against internet restrictions and jamming of private radios and televisions.

He is now being prosecuted for “participation in an unauthorized demonstration and disturbing public order”.

A view of the city of Conakry (Illustrative image).

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After a two-hour hearing at the Dixinn first instance court in Conakry, the public prosecutor finally decided to keep Sékou Jamal Pendessa behind bars.

For Maître Salifou Beavogui, lawyer for the trade unionist journalist, “ 

it’s a new innocent person who is being put in prison




Sékou Jamal Pendessa and his comrades were at the Press House.

They did not go out into the street, they did not prevent anyone from moving around.

This is where they were surrounded, in fact sequestered, for several hours before being released.

So there is no infringement.

Finally, we fell back on social networks.

The declarations of principle he had to make were taken as offenses to be prosecuted, which is unacceptable in law

 ,” specifies Maître Salifou Beavogui. 

Several journalists gathered at the court to show their support for their secretary general.

Abdoulaye Cissé, communications officer for the Union of Press Professionals, affirms that “ 

Sekou Jamal Pendessa has become the person to be killed

 ” in the eyes of the CNRD junta.


He fought for respect for press freedom in Guinea.

This is not a gentleman who orchestrated coups or anything?

No no no.

What he did was a noble fight and so we are not going to let it happen.

We are already in contact with all our regional branches for future actions to take

 ,” he underlines.

The prosecutor having launched a procedure in flagrante delicto, the trial of the union official should be held in the coming days.

Read alsoGuinea: journalists released, but a union leader in the sector arrested in turn


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