Juanma Lamet Madrid


Updated Monday, January 22, 2024-13:17

  • Appointment with the polls Feijóo asks for support for the PP from those who voted for Vox and the PSOE on 23-J because "they have been taken for granted"

  • The lie of the salesas The Judiciary postpones its report on the amnesty so as not to interfere in the elections in Galicia

After the legislature of the rebel mayors against the Ministry of Finance, comes that of the rebel mayors against the amnesty.

The PP wants to activate its municipal power to the maximum to pressure the PSOE against the amnesty.

That is why Alberto Núñez Feijóo has asked the first councilors of his party to take to the streets and lead the "reaction" of civil society against the pacts between Pedro Sánchez and the "separatists."

The PP governs in 3,361 of the 8,131 municipalities in Spain: 42%.

All these mayors will sign a document against the amnesty on Saturday.

This was announced by the president of the main opposition party, at an event in Genoa together with the councilors of municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants.

"We are the main party in Spain and we will be in the streets. Therefore, on Saturday we will sign a manifesto for the equality of all the streets, all the towns and all the citizens of Spain, and on Sunday the 28th we will wait for you in Madrid, in the street, to denounce the dismissal process that the PSOE and the independentistas are carrying out".

"I can assure you that I am counting on you," he emphasized.

For Feijóo, the territorial power of his party must be put at the forefront of the demonstrations.

"If tomorrow the separatists ask that your municipalities be harmed, the PSOE will do it, but you must not consent to it," he told them, before giving them a direct directive: "You have the duty to react to every social and political injustice."

At the inauguration of the internal event, aimed at building local muscle, Feijóo was accompanied by the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, and the president of the FEMP, María José García Pelayo -mayor of Jerez de la Frontera-.

Afterwards, the leader of the PP moderated a discussion with the mayors of Castellón, Zaragoza, Huelva, Teruel, Alcalá de Henares and Cartagena: Begoña Carrasco García, Natalia Chueca Muñoz, Pilar Miranda Plata, Emma Buj, Judith Piquet Flores and Noelia María Arroyo Hernández, respectively.

"I know that you are not going to remain silent in the face of inequalities," Feijóo told all of them.

"They have not voted for you to remain silent in the face of favored treatment. I know that you are not going to accept that a neighbor from a territory is treated better than from yours; I know that what you are going to propose is equality."

"If the PSOE mayors are going to continue to remain silent in the face of the favorable treatment at the expense of the majority, that's them. If they are going to continue failing to comply with their municipalities to accept the marketing that is being seen in Spain, that's them," the Galician leader.

His harangue in pursuit of total mobilization ("by land, sea and air") against the PSOE and Junts pacts has started from the fact that "the founding milestone of the legislature" is "a blackmail to which the Government is subjected."

And the separatists "will continue to insist" on that tactic, Feijóo observed.

That is why "in the Senate we are going to recover the dignity of parliamentarism," he added, but that is not enough: the 'popular' are going to deploy all their territorial power.

In his opinion, the Executive's plan is to "ignore mayors of the PP, ignore lawyers from Congress and point to the judges who issue sentences in accordance with the law."

That is why he has asked his people to make an extra effort: "I am counting on you to defend equality" in an active way, he has asked them.

"Public service is not the same as servitude to a minority. That Spain of public service to citizens," he continued his speech.

"Do not serve the PP, but Spain. Protect the early-rising Spain every day," because "Spain is much more than the independentists, much more than the separatists," he pointed out.

To finish off, Feijóo wanted to send a positive message: "We are going to try to maintain the unity of the country, we are going to denounce those who want to build walls and we are going to be that optimistic Spain and that Spain of the future that we have to continue representing."