China News Service, Beijing, January 22 (Reporter Chen Su and Guo Chaokai) On the 22nd, Wang Xiangxi, deputy director of the State Council Security Committee and Minister of Emergency Management, dispatched national safety prevention work at the National Emergency Command Headquarters, emphasizing the need to learn lessons from recent accidents and further We must tighten our safety responsibilities, make every effort to ensure production safety and disaster prevention, reduction and relief work before and after the Spring Festival, resolutely prevent and contain major accidents, and ensure the safety of people's lives and property and overall social stability.

  The meeting pointed out that various types of safety accidents have occurred frequently in recent times, which revealed that some places and some enterprises have not learned lessons deeply in safety prevention work, repeatedly repeated the same mistakes, focused on efficiency over safety, broke through the bottom line and red line, and had a weak work style and prominent formalism. And other issues.

This Spring Festival, people are more willing to travel, large-scale activities have increased significantly, transportation, catering, entertainment, hotel accommodation, etc. are experiencing peak passenger flow, coal, petrochemical and other enterprises have continued to increase pressure to ensure supply, and disasters such as low-temperature rain, snow, and freezing are frequent, and various Class security risks have increased significantly.

All regions, relevant departments and units must pay great attention, conduct in-depth analysis and judgment of risk changes, strictly implement various safety precautions, and resolutely prevent and resolve major safety risks.

  The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to conduct in-depth research and judgment on risks and analyze the situation based on the outstanding problems and weak links exposed by recent accidents, highlight key industry areas, key places, and key parts, conduct in-depth investigation and rectification of hidden risks, and tighten safety responsibility measures to Every social unit and enterprise position must resolutely contain accidents and stabilize the situation.

It is necessary to take strict measures and supervision, and comprehensively strengthen the investigation of hidden risks in crowded places and key locations.

Focus on campus safety, quickly carry out fire and building safety hazard inspections, use school holidays to carry out construction projects such as the renovation of old electrical lines, reinforcement of dangerous buildings, and maintenance of fire protection facilities. After the start of the school year, we will focus on carrying out a safety inspection and a safety class Education class and organize an emergency evacuation drill to ensure the safety of teachers and students.

Focus on places with large passenger flow during festivals, carry out all-round risk elimination in key units such as large complexes, shopping malls and markets, hotels and restaurants, keep a close eye on villages, B&Bs, ice and snow activities and other places with weak safety foundations, and organize joint inspection teams to go deep into grassroots areas to help investigate fires hidden dangers, strengthen safety publicity, and prevent fires and poisoning from causing mass deaths and injuries.

Highlight major events, strictly review and approve folk activities and fireworks performances, formulate complete on-site management and emergency response plans, strengthen on-site crowd monitoring and control, and ensure that activities are carried out safely and orderly.

  The meeting called for drawing inferences from one example, deepening governance, and resolutely stabilizing and controlling security in key industries.

In terms of mining, it is necessary to organize forces to go directly to the site, make surprise inspections, and catch a number of typical cases of super-capacity and super-intensity production, hidden working surfaces, and inadequate disaster management. At the same time, we must attach equal importance to strict law enforcement and guidance and assistance, and effectively help enterprises solve practical problems. .

In terms of industry and trade, it is necessary to speed up the promotion of the application of dust monitoring and early warning systems, urge enterprises to implement dust and explosion prevention measures, and strictly prevent accidents caused by insufficient dust removal and illegal fires.

In terms of hazardous chemicals, we must pay close attention to major hazard sources, high-risk subdivided areas and key links such as start-up and shutdown, maintenance and repair, and special operations, and implement closed-loop management of major hidden dangers investigation and rectification.

In terms of fireworks and firecrackers, we must strictly implement safety control measures in the operation, storage, and discharge of fireworks and firecrackers, maintain high-pressure supervision on production enterprises, and severely crack down on illegal dens and small workshops.

Regarding special equipment, it is necessary to organize special rectifications and strictly investigate and punish behaviors such as failure to inspect after the expiration date and untimely maintenance.

At the same time, we will deepen the investigation and rectification of hidden risks in the construction, fishing vessels, gas, electricity and other industries.

  The meeting emphasized the need for careful and dynamic management and control to ensure transportation safety during the Spring Festival travel season.

Focusing on accident-prone links, for buses, railway trains, passenger ships, ferries, subways and urban rail and other large-capacity transportation vehicles, we urge operating companies to strictly and meticulously carry out inspections, repairs and maintenance, and strengthen safety training and emergency drills for on-site personnel to ensure safety. Reliable and good condition, while strictly supervising and enforcing the laws on illegal operations, "three excesses and one fatigue", carrying people on agricultural vehicles, adventurous navigation, etc., and cracking down on all kinds of illegal activities.

We will do a good job in control and guidance during severe weather conditions, improve the emergency dispatching process for subways, urban rail lines, and railways under severe weather conditions, scientifically and effectively handle various emergencies such as temporary parking, and dynamically carry out passenger flow monitoring and risk analysis to prevent rain, snow, ice, and strong winds. Issue early warnings for fog and other severe weather in a timely manner, strengthen safety evacuation and control on dangerous road sections, and strictly prevent mass deaths and injuries.

  The meeting requested that we should take the initiative, coordinate from the front, and make every effort to prevent and respond to various disasters.

Coordinate the response to rain, snow and freezing disasters, carry out rolling research and judgment, and dynamic tracking, urge power companies to strengthen power grid icing inspections, promptly carry out snow and ice removal and emergency ice melting to ensure the safety of the power grid; keep an eye on stations, important roads, and key scenic spots, and provide early warnings based on disaster risks , quickly implement measures such as flow restrictions, closing bridges, tunnels, scenic spots, and relocating people.

Strictly prevent and control forest and grassland fires, organize grassroots forces, divide troops to guard "mountain passes, intersections, and village entrances" to strictly inspect, strengthen warning publicity, strictly prevent fire from going up mountains and into forests, and resolutely avoid illegal use of fire in the wild to cause fires.

Carry out meticulous winter and spring relief work. Relevant regions must do detailed disaster relief work and promptly allocate disaster relief funds and relief materials such as cotton tents and quilts to ensure a safe and warm winter and festivals.

At the same time, we must always be cautious about geological disasters, continue to do a good job in monitoring and early warning, further refine and implement pre-plan measures, and make preparations for prevention and response.
