
Updated Monday, January 22, 2024-09:45

  • UK The British press after the double income of Kate Middleton and Charles of England: "We are a nation reeling"

  • Royals Buckingham Palace announces that King Charles of England will have prostate surgery next week

Last Wednesday Kensington Palace released a statement announcing that Kate Middleton, wife of Prince William of England,

had gone under the knife to undergo abdominal surgery.

The surprise was massive and she also joined the news that King Charles III was also going to undergo surgery for a benign tumor in the prostate.

Health problems are worsening in the British Royal House.

Kate and King Charles III are now joined by other health-related news.

Sarah Ferguson, the Duchess of York, suffers from skin cancer six months after undergoing a mastectomy.

While with King Charles of England it has been decided to give details of the intervention to which he will be subjected,

with respect to Kate there has been a lot of silence and secrecy


This has fueled rumors about the seriousness of Kate's illness and forced Kensington Palace to deny that it was a cancer-related problem.

However, his long absence until Easter continues to make headlines regarding his health.

This weekend on the Telecinco program


, journalist Concha Calleja maintained that her sources had informed her that "something had not gone quite right" in Kate Middleton's post-operative period.

Information that, at the moment, has not been confirmed or denied

from official sources of the British Royal House.

What has emerged is that Kate wants to return to her institutional obligations as soon as possible.

At the moment no further details are known about how the Princess of Wales has been evolving but it is expected that more news will arrive in the coming days.

It has also been published that the whole family is supporting Carlos, Kate

(and now Sarah Ferguson).

Although they live on the other side of the pond, Harry and Meghan have sent their best wishes to family members who are now going through a delicate moment of health.