China News Service, January 22 (Xinhua) According to comprehensive foreign media reports, Florida Governor DeSantis announced on the 21st local time that he would withdraw from the 2024 US presidential election and expressed his support for former President Trump.

In response, Trump said he was "very honored" to receive DeSantis' support and looked forward to working with him.

Data map: Florida Governor DeSantis.    

  According to reports, Trump said in an interview with Fox News: "I look forward to working with (DeSantis) to defeat Biden."

  The Trump campaign also said in a statement: "With President Trump just days away from winning New Hampshire, we are honored to receive the support of DeSantis and the many withdrawn presidential candidates. … It’s time for all Republicans to unite behind Trump.”

  ABC cited sources from DeSantis allies as saying that private discussions on how to "gracefully exit the race" emerged shortly after the Iowa primary.

A few days ago, DeSantis ranked second in the Iowa Republican presidential primary, but according to the latest poll data, his support in the New Hampshire Republican primary to be held on the 23rd is expected to be only is 6%.

  After DeSantis withdrew from the race, former U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Nikki Haley became the only remaining candidate in the Republican primary who could challenge Trump.

She called DeSantis running a "good campaign."

Haley said that regardless of the outcome of the New Hampshire Republican primary, she would insist on participating in the primary in her home state of South Carolina.