Efe Valladolid


Updated Sunday, January 21, 2024-11:56

The overflowing of several rivers in

Castilla y León

has caused flooding, cut off roads and forced the evacuation of residents in parts of the provinces of

Valladolid, Segovia, Ávila and Zamora

, with material and urban damage but not personal damage.

The trend is for flows with slight rises, stable and even falling, as in the case of the Zapardiel River, which this past Saturday seriously threatened the town of

Medina del Campo

(Valladolid), where firefighters and municipal workers made slopes next to the riverbed to avoid greater evils.

However, the alarm in the main tributaries is now transferred to the


, the largest river into which they flow and which will increase its flow during the next few hours as is already happening when it passes through the

Toro and Zamora

plain .

Evictions and road closures

Several roads in the provinces of Valladolid, Ávila and Segovia have suffered traffic closures due to the overflowing of rivers swollen by the rains, sometimes the melting of snow and also by the preventive discharge carried out in some points of the hydrographic basin.

The recent release of water into the Las Vencías reservoir, next to

Fuentidueña (Segovia)

, has increased the flow of the

Duratón River

in its course to the point of causing severe flooding in the small Valladolid municipality of


, near


where it flows into the Duero, and forced to cut the VP-2005.

A dozen people have had to evacuate their homes due to the abundant water that has flowed through the streets of this small municipality since early afternoon this past Saturday, with less than two hundred inhabitants.

Civil Protection personnel, Civil Guard agents, firefighters and a logistical support unit of the Emergency Service 112 have provided services to the neighbors due to the flooding of the Duratón, which has also gone out of its channel near Peñafiel, they have reported. sources of the Territorial Delegation.

The early morning has also been especially intense in

Viana (Valladolid)

due to the high flow of the Duero as it passes through this town, very close to

Puente Duer

or where it empties into the Duero River, about 15 kilometers from the capital of Valladolid.



, which already experienced a historic flood in 2014, has even exceeded the flow at that time, with about 200 cubic meters per second, practically double what it was then, which has forced the eviction of numerous residents this morning and the blocking of the VP highway. -9003, according to the same sources.

Another of the tributaries of the Duero, the Adaja river, has caused concern in Valdestillas (Valladolid), with free water that has flooded the basement of the railway tunnel.

The Duero warns in Zamora

The Duero River is already flooding riverside walks in the city of Zamora, with benches, trash cans and streetlights up to which the water reaches, while upstream, in the town of Toro, the river reaches the alert level and floods agricultural land. la vega toresana.

In the capital of Zamora, where the flow has doubled in three days and reaches 578 cubic meters per second this Sunday after ten in the morning, the flood has caused some sections of the river promenades to be flooded on both banks, and in the Los


recreation area

, municipal and CHD sources have reported.

Despite this, the river has not yet reached the alert level in the capital of Zamora and is expected to continue rising throughout this Sunday.

View of the flooding in the La Chopera campsite in Plasencia due to the flooding of the Jerte riverEDUARDO PALOMOEFE

In Toro, where the flow reaches 770 cubic meters per second, it is also expected to continue rising in the coming hours, although the incidence only affects crop fields and not homes or infrastructure.

Also in Segovia and Salamanca

Of lesser intensity, but with incidents on traffic on secondary roads, the result has been the overflowing of several streams that have forced the SG-P-2131 to be cut between



Laguna de Contreras


the SG-V-3413 between

Domingo García


Nava de la Asunción


and the SG-413 in the ten kilometer stretch that separates

Montejo de Arévalo


Martín Muñoz de la Dehesa


The Tormes in Salamanca warned this past Saturday next to the Roman Bridge, with an overflow that forced access to the pedestrian and recreational areas located in its vicinity to be cut off.

Less contained in the surroundings of the capital, the river has widened between Huerta and Santa Marta, and flooded farms in the Peñaranda de Bracamonte region.

Tranquility in Ávila

Tranquility has returned to the province of Ávila after the alarming rise of the


as it passes through the capital and Arévalo, as well as the Zapardiel in some points in the north, near the border with Valladolid.

The trend is that of a stabilized flow and slow retreat,

However, the Arevalillo has invaded the AV-P-120 highway between San Pascual and Cabizuela, and the Trabancos continues without abandoning the AV-P-129a between Rasueros and Horcajo de las Torres.

In the province of Ávila there are no control points that have exceeded the hydrological warning thresholds in the cases of the

Adaja and Zapardiel rivers

, which were the ones that experienced the highest floods on Saturday, CHD sources have reported.

The channels of both rivers have dropped significantly in recent hours, especially in the case of the Adaja as it passes through Arévalo, which this past Saturday reached the yellow level at 8:15 p.m.