Nicolas Muron is the creator of the snow motorcycle, or the snow bike as it is also called.

He wanted to create a small vehicle that reduces the risks of environmental damage and high noise levels.

- There are 200 parts in them and even though they look quite simple, there is quite a lot of engineering in them, says Jan Nordin, who rents out winter and summer vehicles.

Driving license requirements

To be allowed to drive the electric snowmobile, a B driver's license, tractor license or scooter license is required.

- Here at the track, we have a 16-year age limit, but it is primarily an insurance issue, says Jan Nordin.

"Shabby luck"

How did the test ride go then, for SVT's reporter Ylva Holmgren?

See in the video.

This is how she described the round afterwards:

- It was a bit of a wobbly ride around the track for someone who is not used to it, but with the low speed, a crash wouldn't have done much.