Efe Seoul


Updated Sunday, January 21, 2024-02:04

North Korea assured today that Russian President

Vladimir Putin

has shown his willingness to visit its territory in the near future, in response to the invitation of leader

Kim Jong-un

at their summit last year.

Putin would have communicated this to the North Korean Foreign Minister,

Choe Son-hui,

in a courtesy visit by the chancellor during the trip she made to Russia between January 15 and 17, according to the state agency reported that Sunday. KCNA news along with a summary of said visit.

During the meeting, Choe conveyed to the Russian president "warm greetings" from Kim and Putin asked him to send him his New Year's greetings, showed his "deep gratitude once again for your invitation" to travel to Pyongyang "and

expressed his willingness to visit the DPRK in the near future,"

according to KCNA.

DPRK is the acronym for Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the official name of North Korea.

Choe's visit to Russia, which included meetings with Foreign Minister

Sergei Lavrov

and Deputy Prime Minister

Alexander Novak,

occurred "at a time when friendly relations and cooperation between both countries have definitively entered the course of a new integral development," said the aforementioned media.

The recent trip of the North Korean Foreign Minister served to continue delving into ways to implement the agreements reached during the summit last September between Putin and Kim in Russian territory, and to deepen their exchanges and cooperation "in all fields this year" 2024 , 75th anniversary of the conclusion of their bilateral agreement on economic and cultural cooperation.

The North Korean regime also assured that both nations have "deepened their strategic communication" and have committed to

strengthening their tactical cooperation

"to defend their core interests and establish a new multipolarized international order based on independence and justice."

Both countries shared their concern "about the

negative influence of the United States and its allies,"

which "threatens the security environment on the Korean Peninsula," and agreed to deal with it "through close cooperation," agreeing that their friendly relations and Their collaboration "serves as a powerful strategic strength," and they committed to taking it further.

Among other points, Pyongyang praised Russia's "important mission" of serving to maintain "strategic stability" at a global level, to which Moscow showed its "deep gratitude" for the "complete and supportive" support shown by the North in what which refers to its special military operation in


, a euphemism with which it refers to the invasion of the neighboring country.

Pyongyang has been supporting Russia's war in Ukraine and would have been supplying it with

ballistic missiles,

in exchange for Moscow providing military assistance in other areas, at a time when North Korea is focused on its weapons development and has led to its belligerence towards Washington and Seoul to a new level.