London Mayor calls for UK-EU 'mobility deal' for youth

The mayor of London, the most pro-European of Labour, denounces a “omerta” concerning discussions on relations with the EU and calls for an “agreement on youth mobility”.

Sadiq Khan is calling for restrictions that severely limit the ability to work and travel between the UK and the continent to be eased. 

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, in London, November 27, 2023. REUTERS - BELINDA JIAO

By: RFI Follow


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With our correspondent in London,

Sidonie Gaucher

As soon as he speaks about Brexit and its consequences, Sadiq Khan does not hide his dissatisfaction, without however advocating reintegration into the single market.

He tirelessly emphasizes the negative impact of “ 

hard Brexit

 ”, which has already cost the British economy 140 billion pounds (or more than 160 billion Euros), according to the study he commissioned from Cambridge Econometrics.

But, there is an “ 



The Mayor of London suggests a " 

code of silence 

" prevents a " 

pragmatic debate 

" on the terms of the Brexit deal, which will be up for discussion again in 2025. 

In the meantime, he asks to facilitate the “ 

mobility of young people 


In his words, to “ 

free them from the work and travel ban imposed by Brexit


In effect, simplifying visa rules, in the hope 

of “mitigating economic and cultural damage


Finally, he called on the Labor Party to “ 

speak out

 ” on the benefits of immigration and diversity, encouraging a pro-European stance for the upcoming municipal elections in May. 

Sadiq Khan: 'Free young people from Brexit work and travel ban'

— Guardian politics (@GdnPolitics) January 20, 2024

Read alsoSadiq Khan, the mayor of London weakened by his anti-pollution policy


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