In response to the incident surrounding the faction's political funding party, the Liberal Democratic Party's ``Political Reform Headquarters'' plans to hold an interim report this week.

We are making adjustments to include a requirement that if a faction is found to be violating the law, the party will be required to dissolve or suspend its activities.

In response to the incident surrounding the faction's political funding party, the Liberal Democratic Party plans to hold a ``Political Reform Headquarters'' meeting for all members on the 22nd, with Prime Minister Kishida in attendance, to discuss the nature of factions and other issues.

Secretary-General Motegi said on NHK's ``Sunday Debate'', ``We will create a new system under the leadership of the party and take drastic corrective measures so that the policy group is not seen as a group for money or human resources.'' said.

The headquarters plans to hold an interim report on the 25th of this week, with the following recommendations:

▽Canceling political funding parties,

▽Not making personnel adjustments such as recommending ministers, and

▽If violations of laws and regulations are revealed. is making adjustments to include the ability to require parties to dissolve or suspend their activities.

The Liberal Democratic Party has decided to disband three factions: the Abe faction, the Kishida faction, and the Nikai faction.

Of the three remaining factions, Vice President Aso, who leads the second-largest faction within the party, the Aso faction, has told Prime Minister Kishida that he has no intention of disbanding the faction at this time, and the third faction, the Mogi faction, and the Moriyama faction. The policy is to judge the response based on the contents of the interim report and trends in public opinion.

On the night of the 21st, Mr. Aso met with Prime Minister Kishida at a hotel in Tokyo and exchanged opinions on matters such as how to proceed with future discussions at the Reform Headquarters.

In response, the opposition party criticized Izumi, the representative of the Constitutional Democratic Party, saying, ``We must never allow the Liberal Democratic Party's slush fund structure.It is necessary to purge the Diet of members who violate the rules.''

On the other hand, in order to make political funding more transparent, both the ruling and opposition parties are calling

for ▽digitization of income and expenditure reports,

▽requirement of external audits,

and ▽requirement to include the names of party ticket purchasers on income and expenditure reports. Points of discussion include

lowering the

tax rate and introducing a system that would hold politicians accountable in the event of malicious accounting practices, and it is expected that consideration will proceed in the future.