Cristina Rubio Barcelona


Updated Sunday, January 21, 2024-1:20 p.m.

  • Aragonès launches the electoral race and warns Sánchez: "If we have achieved the amnesty, we will also make a referendum possible"

  • Turull Junts now puts pressure on Sánchez with the referendum: "If the State refuses, colorín colorado"


boasts of the public accusation made by the third vice president,

Teresa Ribera,

to the judge of the National Court

Manuel García-Castellón


The leader and spokesperson in Congress,

Míriam Nogueras,

has redoubled her criticism of the judicial leadership, taking advantage of the controversy that has arisen and has demanded that she "act" on the matter.

"It is undeniable that the situation is what it is and, not even the Spanish


can ignore that these members of the judiciary, whether by action or omission, are those most responsible" for the situation derived from the



Some criticism that the neo-convergent leader has launched two days after Ribera

's words

about García Castellón.

Specifically, the head of the Ecological Transition portfolio said in reference to the instructor of the

Democratic Tsunami

cause that "it has an important political implication and usually comes up at sensitive moments," after she insisted on the accusation of terrorism against the former Catalan president

Carles Puigdemont.

"There are some people (...) who have a certain love for always speaking in the same direction and at a particularly opportune moment compared to what tend to be the statements of other colleagues within the exercise of judicial power," Ribera added about

García. Castellon.

Some words that provoked the unanimous and forceful rejection of the Permanent Commission of the

General Council of the Judiciary

as they were "contrary to the principle of institutional loyalty, to the general duty of respect for judicial independence inherent to a consolidated State of law and a member of the Union European Union, one of whose essential values ​​is the separation of powers".



boasts of the Government's positioning to redouble its criticism of Justice.

"No amnesty would be necessary if it had not been for this unjust action and absolute abuse of the Spanish state," Nogueras added.

Regarding the amendments to the Amnesty Law, the


leader in Congress has said that there is still "margin" to negotiate, although she has warned that


"remains where it was" and that the final objective is a "comprehensive" decriminalization of the


and of "immediate application".