This week, Sara Skyttedal (KD) was replaced from first place on the party's list for the EU elections.

This after she applied for an assignment with the Sweden Democrats, according to information to SVT Nyheter

The party must have known about Skyttedal's trepidation for some time, but chose to act only at the end of the week.

She is replaced by debater Alice Teodorescu Måwe, who was not previously a member of the party.

- The information has come in different batches.

It is only in the last few weeks that this has culminated and that we had the kind of information that enabled us to make a good decision about the way forward, says Ebba Busch.

- It is clear that we were not satisfied with the way she chose to account for these contacts - or rather did not account for them on request.

Busch: Did not suggest Teodorescu Måwe

The fact that Alice Teodorescu Måwe, who, among other things, was previously employed by the Moderates, was almost immediately presented as the party's new top name for the EU has raised some eyebrows.

Ebba Busch states that it was not herself who raised Teodorescu Måwe's name, but says she is sure that she shares the values ​​of the Christian Democrats.

This despite the fact that Teodorescu Måwe previously opened up to introducing active euthanasia, something her new party has so far been completely against.

- Let me be clear.

We will not pursue the issue of euthanasia.

Should the issue come up within the EU, our position is that it does not belong at the EU level and Alice will also respect what is the party's position, says Ebba Busch.

See the entire interview with the Christian Democrats' party leader Ebba Busch in Agenda on SVT Play.

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This is Sara Skyttedal: "Bråkmakerskan" who has often gone ahead - to the right.

Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT