China News Service, Brasilia, January 19 (Xinhua) On January 19, local time, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and Minister of Foreign Affairs, accepted an interview with the Chinese media after concluding his visit to four African countries.

1. During their visits to Egypt, Tunisia, Togo, and Cote d'Ivoire, the leaders of the four countries all reiterated their adherence to the one-China principle. How do you evaluate the current China-Africa relations?

Wang Yi:

The Chinese Foreign Minister must make his first visit to Africa every year. This tradition has been maintained for 34 years, which reflects the great importance China attaches to Africa and its firm support for Africa's development and revitalization.

Along the way, I strongly felt the friendship and trust from Africa.

The leaders of the four countries immediately publicly and clearly supported China in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The 53 countries across Africa that have established diplomatic relations with China have expressed their firm support for the one-China principle and China's peaceful reunification in different forms.

On issues involving China's core interests and major concerns, African countries have the firmest and clearest stance, fully embodying the fine tradition of mutual support between China and Africa.

The unity and friendship between China and Africa were formed in the joint struggle for national liberation and have been sublimated in the journey of common development and revitalization. They are precious spiritual wealth that deserve to be cherished and promoted.

As a good friend of Africa, China will always stand with its African brothers and firmly support African countries in safeguarding independence, sovereignty and national dignity.

2. In the context of the world's greatest changes unseen in a century, African countries are facing various internal and external challenges. How do you think Africa should respond?

Wang Yi:

Although the four countries have different national conditions, they are all thinking about how to deal with the current profound changes unseen in a century, how to find a development path suitable for their own national conditions, and how to strengthen unity and cooperation to jointly promote the overall revitalization of the African continent.

For a long time, the so-called good governance models imposed on Africa from outside, whether it is the "Washington Consensus" or "neoliberalism", have not brought much peace, development and happiness to the African people. Instead, they have brought more turmoil and poverty to the world. .

African countries are actively seeking to achieve economic independence and independent development after gaining political independence.

This is another historical awakening for Africa.

The Pan-African Congress will be held in Togo this year. I believe that African countries will take this opportunity to explore feasible ways to strengthen unity and self-reliance, maintain their independence while accelerating development, firmly control their future and destiny in their own hands, and walk out of the A successful African-style modernization path will build Africa into a peaceful and prosperous continent.

In this process, China is willing to be Africa's partner in exploring the path of modernization and provide Africa with all-round support.

Africa is a continent full of hope. We are full of confidence in Africa's prospects. The 21st century will surely witness the common development and revitalization of China and Africa.

3. The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation has gone through more than 20 years. Have you discussed with African leaders that a new forum will be held this year?

Wang Yi:

Over the past decades, China-Africa cooperation, especially the 24 years since the establishment of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, has made historic achievements, changed the face of Africa, and led the international community to pay more attention to and value Africa.

China welcomes the international community to increase investment in Africa and hopes that all countries can contribute to helping Africa.

At the same time, we are also thinking about how to promote China-Africa cooperation to keep pace with the times, improve its quality, and continue to be at the forefront of international cooperation with Africa.

President Xi Jinping proposed the policy concept of sincerity, real results, real results and good faith towards Africa, and reached important consensus with African leaders on building a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.

We need to further refine the implementation. One of the important tasks is to strengthen the exchange of experience in state governance and jointly explore ways to accelerate the realization of modernization.

We look forward to the two sides reaching a consensus on this at the new session of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation to be held this fall, and jointly opening up a new realm of China-Africa cooperation and elevating China-Africa cooperation to a new level.

  4. During your visit to Egypt and Tunisia, did you communicate with them on the conflict in Gaza and the situation in the Red Sea?

Wang Yi:

During this visit, we had in-depth communications with Egypt, Tunisia and the Arab League Secretariat on the Palestinian issue.

It has been more than 100 days since the conflict between Palestine and Israel broke out, resulting in large-scale casualties of innocent civilians and a serious humanitarian crisis.

China has been working actively and loudly to this end, condemning all actions that harm civilians, opposing any violations of international law, and supporting all efforts aimed at preventing the escalation of conflicts and promoting the restoration of peace.

Arab and Islamic countries speak highly of China's stance. Ordinary people we interact with on the streets praise China's just stance and hope that China will continue to promote ceasefires and wars and alleviate humanitarian crises.

  During the visit, we also communicated and coordinated with the Albanian side on dealing with the spillover effects of the Gaza conflict, especially on maintaining the safety of the Red Sea waterway.

China has made active efforts to ease tensions in the Red Sea from the beginning, calling for an end to harassment of civilian ships, urging relevant parties to avoid adding fuel to the tensions in the Red Sea, and jointly safeguard the safety of waterways in the Red Sea waters in accordance with the law. At the same time, we must also effectively respect └The sovereignty and territorial integrity of the countries bordering the Red Sea.

  The Palestinian issue has always been the core of the Middle East issue. It is related to the peace and stability of the Middle East and tests the moral conscience of mankind.

China firmly supports the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights, and firmly supports Palestine’s long-cherished wish to establish an independent country.

Justice has been delayed, but it should not be absent forever.

China calls for the convening of an international peace conference with a larger scale, wider scope, and more effectiveness as soon as possible.

No matter how the regional and international situation changes, China will continue to stand firmly on the side of peace and justice and make unremitting efforts to promote security and stability in the Middle East.

  5. In recent years, the political and security situation in West Africa, especially the Sahel region, has been turbulent, which has posed challenges to regional peace, stability and development. What do you think of this?

Wang Yi:

All countries in the Sahel are good friends of China. We hope that the region can restore peace and achieve stability and development as soon as possible.

The top priority is to resolve differences politically through dialogue, consultation and politics, and to solve African problems in an African way.

President Xi Jinping's global security initiative calls on all countries to embark on a new security path of dialogue rather than confrontation, partnership rather than alliance, and win-win rather than zero-sum.

Africa has gone through many hardships, but it is full of vitality. The vibrant African Cup that is currently being held proves this.

  China has built competition venues for the "Africa Cup" and we have confidence in Africa's development.

Africa should become an important pole in the development of global politics, economy, and civilization. African countries have the right to choose their own development path, enjoy equal rights in the international system, and receive fair opportunities in global development.

China has always insisted that all countries, big or small, are equal and opposes all hegemonism and power politics. We are willing to work with our African brothers and sisters to promote an equal and orderly multipolar world and create an economic globalization that benefits all and is inclusive.
