Luis F. Durán Madrid


Updated Saturday, January 20, 2024-02:07

The two women, aged 71 and 74, murdered in Morata de Tajuña along with their older brother, aged 79, met two alleged soldiers on Facebook in 2017 with whom they began a virtual relationship that ruined their lives.

One of these two love scammers sent Ángeles the following message: «I was looking at your page for a while, looking at your beautiful photo.

I was amazed at the incredible beauty with which God created you.

I would like to have you as a friend.

I really want to know more about this beautiful angel that I am blessed with.

If you don't mind, I want you to add me as a friend.

The woman was immediately captivated by this paragraph and answered him exhausted.

"Those are your eyes."

They immediately began a conversation in which the man continued to flatter the woman: "You look very beautiful and attractive.

"It's not safe to talk here, we can talk on WhatsApp."

In a short time, this man began a virtual relationship with the septuagenarian and, in parallel, her sister also began the same friendship with another man named Edward.

Both posed as American soldiers stationed in Afghanistan.

Little by little they caught the two sisters, started a false love story, and began to ask them for small amounts of money because they were stationed in a country where they could not pay with their cards.

The two sisters became a bank branch for these two men who for everyone, except them, were two supposed scammers.

They used fake photos, impersonated two soldiers and probably used a translator to exchange messages with them.

The two women were emptying their accounts and selling their properties to satisfy their alleged boyfriends.

Even the entity itself warned them, without success, that they could be victims of a scam.

"There was one day when they asked them for 35,000 euros to pay for a helicopter to rescue them from a foreign country and they accepted, and another day they told them to buy a luxury car valued at 60,000 euros," says a neighbor.

One of the two scammers, who said his name was Edward and was stationed in Afghanistan, told them that the second had died and that he needed the sisters to help him financially to cover the expenses prior to collecting a million-dollar inheritance, which he would share with them.

Specifically, he offered them up to seven million euros.

The women went so far as to sell an apartment in Madrid, cars, furniture and it is estimated that they sent up to 400,000 euros to the two scammers.

They asked family and friends for money, offering them double what they would lend in the near future.

With their accounts empty, without credit and almost without friends, they began to ask for money from people of dubious reputation in Arganda, according to those close to them.

"Lately they were content with recovering only part of the 400,000 euros and many days they went to the bank to see if their false boyfriends had paid them anything, it is tremendous how they continued to believe in them," said yesterday a neighbor who knew the sisters very well. .

A Pakistani citizen, a business owner, also helped them two years ago with 60,000 euros.

Last summer this man threatened the sisters to get the money back.

He even hit one of them with a hammer.

He was arrested for this attack, accused of attempted murder.

This man was released from prison this January and is one of those investigated by the Civil Guard.

Other lenders of the three brothers found dead this past Thursday in their home in Morata are also on the agents' radar.

The bodies were semi-burned and had bruises all over their bodies.

The door had not been forced and the blinds were drawn.

The death of the three brothers could have occurred in mid-December.

The bodies have burns and bruises.

Neighbors who live on the same street maintain that they did not hear anything strange or see anything strange in the home of the deceased.