She recorded a video message, which was posted on the “WB is in touch!” Telegram channel.

“Many sincere thanks to everyone for the words of support: our partners, our sellers and our clients.

The most important thing is that everyone is alive.

This is a huge challenge for me personally and for our entire company,” she said.

According to her, the company is currently working around the clock to restore the logistics infrastructure as soon as possible and fulfill all obligations.

“Thanks to your support, we will become stronger and will walk this path with honor,” added Bakalchuk.

A fire at the Wildberries warehouse in St. Petersburg occurred on January 13.

The fire covered 70 thousand square meters.

m. Damage from the fire is estimated by insurers at 10-11 billion rubles.

At the same time, RBC, citing sources, reported that the building in Shushary was not insured.