At the beginning of the year, several of Fröken Snusk's songs were removed from Spotify after suspicions of manipulated streams.

One of them was the monster hit "Ride me like a dala horse" that Miss Snusk made together with producer Rasmus Gozzi.

But on Friday it appeared again with the new title "Dalahäst".

Oscar Ek is the sole songwriter.

He himself has no idea why.

- I have no relationship with these people at the moment and have nothing to do with the music.

I was shocked and very annoyed, he says.

Oscar Ek has tried to contact Fröken Snusk, Rasmus Gozzi and André Zuniga, who were previously songwriters.

He has not received an answer as to why he is the author from any of them.

Now he is considering reporting to the police.

- If I can get my name out in another way, I want to do it in the first place, but I don't want my name to be associated with these people and that music.

"No idea why"

About ten years ago, Oscar hung out with Rasmus Gozzi and made music together.

That music was never released, according to Oscar himself.

He also says that he has had no contact with Rasmus Gozzi for several years.

- I have absolutely no idea why they added me as a songwriter.

Are you sure that it is you that is meant - could it not be another Oscar Ek?

- Given that we have known each other before, I don't know who else they would be referring to.

Not illegal

Claiming that someone is the author of a song is not illegal, as long as the other songwriters agree.

That's what My Hellborg, who is a lawyer specializing in the music industry, says.

- Reasonably, you should inform, but it is not illegal as far as I can see, she says.

Spotify refers to its platform rules for intellectual property rights.

"Other than that, we have nothing more to add about this song," they write in an email reply to SVT.

SVT has applied for Rasmus Gozzi, Miss Snusk and André Zuniga.