
Updated Saturday, January 20, 2024-09:47

  • Bad weather Freed the 600 drivers trapped by snow on a road in Soria

The situation on the


has improved significantly in recent hours and

there are no longer any outages in the


network after yesterday the rainfall from Storm Juan as it passed through the Iberian Peninsula left hundreds of drivers trapped on various roads in Soria for Snow.

Early in the morning

there are only some restrictions for trucks,

which are not allowed to overtake on twenty kilometers of the A-2, between Zaragoza and Soria, and on the A-1 in Segovia, between kilometers 99 and 140 .

It is expected that in the next few hours these restrictions will also be lifted, once it is verified that there is no ice on the road, as reported by the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT).

The only traffic closures due to snow or ice are recorded on secondary roads, such as the A-395 and A-4025 (Granada), the AV-932 (Ávila), the BU-572 (Burgos) and on DSA-191 and SA-203, in Salamanca.

The DGT also highlights the constant influx of vehicles in the mountains of Madrid, although without any incident.