For the past two years, the preschool Tindra in Gothenburg has invested in ensuring that as little food as possible goes to waste.

The preschool also wants the food to be both sustainably produced and locally produced.

- This is a challenge that I love.

It gives room to be more creative and challenge yourself, says Josefina Landahl, who works as a cook at the preschool.

Easier in the private sector

The preschool is private but has the same preschool allowance as municipal preschools, i.e. money per pupil.

But since it is private, there is more room to spend more money on the food.

- Within the municipal preschool I worked at, it would not have worked to do as I can here, because there it is more centrally controlled.

Here we also have more room in the budget to be able to have a food concept like this, says Josefina, who also worked as a cook at municipal preschools.

In the clip below, you can hear the preschool's assistant principal tell more about the preschool's focus.