Europa Press Madrid


Updated Saturday, January 20, 2024-15:08

The first vice president and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, referred this Saturday to the PP spokesperson in Congress,

Miguel Tellado

, as "the one with less hair" than the party leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, an allusion to his baldness that has led the 'popular' leader to wonder what would happen if he talked, for example, about the "hairstyle" of a PSOE deputy.

During her speech at a colloquium within the framework of the

convention that the PSOE is holding in A Coruña

, the deputy general secretary of the PSOE took the opportunity to respond to statements in which Tellado called the latest news about the Government a "smoke screen" 'Operation Catalonia'.

Montero has referred to Tellado as "this man you have sent to Madrid, the one with the glasses."


they both have glasses

," he added in reference to Feijóo, "the one with less hair, Miguel Tellado."

Alberto Núñez Feijóo and Miguel Tellado, this week in Congress. Bernardo Díaz

The spokesperson for the Popular Group has used his 'X' account to respond to the vice president's comment.

"To refer to me,

Pedro Sánchez's number two

emphasizes that I am bald and wear glasses. What would happen if it occurred to me to describe a PSOE deputy by her physical appearance? By her hairstyle, her clothing. ..", wrote Tellado.

For the leader of the first opposition party they are also part of "sanchismo."

"This is Sanchismo.

They have no limits

," he stressed, in a message collected by Europa Press.