It was on the afternoon of December 5 last year that the accident occurred on the heavily trafficked Salavägen in Enköping.

Jasmin Djogic was driving from the city center when a concrete block from a temporary crossing came flying across the road.

- It will only be a cross rivet, the concrete block crushes the right side of the front and I was standing a bit above the ground, he explains.

Jasmin Djogic managed without any physical injuries.

Icy and foggy panes

The person suspected of being behind the accident is a woman in her 70s who has now been charged with carelessness in traffic.

According to the indictment, she drove her car towards the center and there collided with the concrete block that rolled over and destroyed the front of Jasmin Djogic's car.

According to pictures and the police on site, the windows of the woman's car were both icy and foggy.

The woman denies the crime and has stated in questioning that she saw clearly through the window of the car.

In the clip: "I tried to drive away but nothing happened" - hears Jasmin Djogic about the accident.