DRC: many heads of state expected at the swearing-in of Félix Tshisekedi

This January 20, Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi is sworn in for a second term.

The Constitutional Court in fact confirmed his re-election with more than 73% of the votes.

A ceremony is organized at the Martyrs stadium, the largest stadium in the capital Kinshasa, where nearly twenty heads of state will be present, mainly from the continent.

Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi.

(illustration photo) ISSOUF SANOGO / AFP

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According to the presidency, this will be the inauguration having welcomed the largest number of foreign heads of state since independence.

In total, 18 African heads of state are expected compared to three in 2018, just one in 2011 and nine in 2006 when Joseph Kabila was elected.

Central Africa will be the region most represented in the stands of the Martyrs stadium in Kinshasa.

Almost all heads of state in the area have confirmed their participation in this ceremony, according to the Congolese presidency.

Many of them will also come from southern Africa while the community is in the process of deploying a military force in the east of the DRC to replace that of the East African community.

East Africa will also be less represented during this ceremony, despite Congo's recent accession to the EAC, in 2022 during the first mandate of Félix Tshisekedi.

Nevertheless, the president of Burundi, today a military ally of Kinshasa, will be present, as will the Kenyan William Ruto, despite diplomatic tensions between the two countries.

Read alsoThe DRC demands explanations from Kenya after the announcement of the creation of the Congo River Alliance

Unsurprisingly, Paul Kagame, the president of Rwanda, was not invited.

For two years he has been accused by the Congolese authorities of supporting the M23 rebellion active in the east of the country.

Accusations denied by Kigali, but supported by several United Nations reports.

No European or Asian head of state is expected, but some governments will be represented.

The United States sent a high-level delegation, France sent the new Mr. Africa of the Élysée, Jérémie Robert, and Belgium, a former colonial power, the President of the Senate Stéphanie D'Hose.

Still according to the presidency, two vice-presidents and high-level foreign representatives, including from the Middle East, have confirmed their participation.

If four former heads of state from the continent are expected, such as the Nigerian Olusegun Obasanjo or the Tanzanian Jakaya Kikwete, Tshisekedi's predecessor, Joseph Kabila, will be significantly absent.

According to his close entourage, the former head of state, who is boycotting the current electoral process, has recently been in South Africa for a series of scientific evaluations of his doctoral thesis.

The inauguration ceremony of the 5th president in Congolese history will take place at the Martyrs stadium under high protection of the defense and security forces.

In response to the announcement of opposition demonstrations against what it describes as "


", the capital's police chief has already warned that any gathering outside the inauguration ceremony is prohibited.  

Read alsoDRC: the Constitutional Court confirms the election of Félix Tshisekedi as President of the Republic

After the elections, he will be able to set the course for what could be his governance for the next five years.

Recalling the great challenges that face him...


Christian Moleka, political scientist



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