Cristina Rubio Barcelona


Updated Saturday, January 20, 2024-12:25

This Saturday, ERC has given the starting signal to the electoral race in Catalonia and has ratified Pere Aragonès as the Republican candidate for the presidency of the Generalitat in the next elections.

A maneuver that Oriol Junqueras himself has made official in the National Council of the party to put an end to rumors about his role if the Amnesty Law is approved and applied.

Junqueras and Aragonès have staged peace in Esquerra with a hug before the current president of the Generalitat addressed the leadership of his party with a speech with a marked electoral accent.

After breaking down his management at the head of the Government and ignoring the crises generated in recent weeks - as a result of the drought or the educational disaster - the Republican has boasted of the transfers extracted from Pedro Sánchez and the Government.

"We have forced the negotiation. We first achieved the freedom of the political prisoners, the elimination of sedition and what we were told was impossible, the amnesty, today it is a reality," he warned.

And he continued: "If we have made so many things possible that we were told were impossible, we will also make an internationally recognized referendum possible."

The party's ratification of Aragonès' candidacy is not definitive, since the formal election will have to wait until the next few months, when ERC holds a primary process, a procedure for the current president of the Generalitat.

Aragonès had already expressed on several occasions before journalists, in public statements or informal conversations, his desire to continue in office, although he always made clear his respect for the decision of the internal bodies of the party and his loyalty to Oriol Junqueras. .