Annie started refusing food on Sunday and on Monday evening Leif Lindh called the vet.

But after several vet visits, she didn't get better.

By Tuesday evening she was still not well and they planned to call the vet back the next day.

When Leif Lindh took the temp on Yra-Annie, it showed "low".

- Then I picked her up, so I sat with her on my lap.

I sat with her for maybe five minutes, then she sighed and kicked her legs and that was it, he says.

Watch the moment after in the clip above.

"It feels very strange"

Since she was found last spring, Annie quickly became popular on social media and contributed to Leffe Lindh's elk park being placed on Maktbarometern's top list for 2023.

Sanna Högare is the mother of the family that found Annie in a ditch last May.

She tells them that they are shocked.

- It was not on the world map that she would no longer exist, says Sanna Högare.

Why the moose calf died is still unknown.

- We have submitted her for an autopsy at the State Veterinary Medical Institution, hopefully we will get an answer in the next few days.

But I think something has happened to the intestines, says Leif Lindh.