Teresa López Pavón Sevilla


Updated Friday, January 19, 2024-14:02

  • CARLOS LEÓN RICO The son of hoteliers who left law to enter the Army and found death in some maneuvers in Cerro Muriano

The military court investigating the death of two soldiers on December 21 at the

Cerro Muriano base

(Córdoba) has agreed to charge the captain in charge of the maneuvers, in addition to two other commanders, as confirmed to EL MUNDO by lawyer

Luis Romero. ,

which represents the parents of one of the deceased, soldier Carlos León Rico.

The other fatality is Corporal Miguel Ángel Jiménez Andújar.

As has been reported, the investigation of the case has been assumed by the

Military Tribunal

number 21 of Seville, despite the fact that the investigation was initially opened by the Investigative Court number 4 of Córdoba.

In addition to the captain, who was the senior commander who was on site at the time of the accident, a lieutenant and a sergeant, who would have also been present when the events occurred, have also been called to testify as investigators.

To know more


The captain and former legionnaire Zúñiga, before the tragic maneuver in Cerro Muriano: "We must do the exercise like in war"


The captain and former legionnaire Zúñiga, before the tragic maneuver in Cerro Muriano: "We must do the exercise like in war"


The captain gave the order to release the rope that was to protect the soldiers in case of danger in the deadly maneuvers of Cerro Muriano

  • Editor: TERESA LÓPEZ PAVÓN Seville

The captain gave the order to release the rope that was to protect the soldiers in case of danger in the deadly maneuvers of Cerro Muriano

After learning that two soldiers had drowned while trying to cross an artificial lagoon as part of a training exercise, and once the first on-site inspection was carried out, the Ministry of Defense immediately removed the captain from his duties in command of the company.

According to some testimonies collected by the

Civil Guard

and to which the lawyer of Carlos León's family would have had access, around twenty soldiers had been


for the poor results obtained in a previous test and, for that reason, they carried in their backpacks an extra weight, an inert mine weighing about 3.5 kilos, which had to be added to the 8.5 that the backpack already weighed.

To that we must add the rifle, clothing, helmet and boots.

In total they carried a weight that they could not drag through a lagoon with water at very low temperatures and tired after three hours of exercises on land, which would have caused several of the soldiers to have difficulty staying afloat.

In addition to the two deceased, two other soldiers had to be treated for symptoms of hypothermia and a third had to be resuscitated on the shore after being rescued unconscious from the water.

The families will accuse the captain of the crime of "intentional homicide", since they consider that he ordered the maneuver to be carried out in a

"negligent" manner,

since he did not have minimal security measures nor did he attend to those who warned him about the poor conditions. meteorological.