Veronica Levander came into contact with the concept through a Facebook post, while Lars Persson found out about it through work, as he works in the rescue service.

- We live in a municipality where it is very sparse.

When you have to call 112, it can take a long time before you get help, says Veronica, who has worked as a nurse and is now a care administrator.

A mixed group

Right in Ringarum, the group consists of eight people with different professions.

Some have experience in healthcare, but others have completely different jobs, for example carpenters.

Good conditions

Both Veronica and Lars believe that you don't need to have experience in healthcare to connect.

You receive various trainings and some equipment to carry out the assignment.

- Who can fully become a civilian emergency responder, it's important to have safe people.

In the clip, you hear Veronica and Lars talk about being out on their first alarm.