“The goal of the project is to strengthen the capacity of Moldovan media and develop local media production capabilities in the interests of diversity of opinion, supporting editorial independence and improving the quality of Moldovan media reporting,” the description says. 

In addition, through the program’s activities, the State Department hopes to increase the ability of Moldovans to “critically evaluate” materials in the media and social networks.

The initiative's budget will be $1.5 million. It is planned to allocate more than 10 grants ranging from $25 thousand.

These funds will be used, among other things, to support qualified organizations “able to improve the level of professionalism” of Moldovan journalists and media.

As noted in the document, American specialists intend to use different types of media.

“Support independent news agencies and media (broadcast, online or print) that follow the principles of reliable, objective and comprehensive reporting of issues related to the economic and political development of Moldova,” the State Department emphasized.

According to political scientist Ivan Meziukho, with such projects Washington is “playing along” with Moldovan President Maia Sandu.

“Sandu behaves like a banal dictator, and now she will be provided with additional support in the form of funding for the media, which, in my opinion, will have to incite Russophobic and anti-Russian sentiments within Moldovan society.

The Sandu regime is following the path of the Zelensky regime.

The US State Department has been sponsoring Moldovan media for many years, as well as Ukrainian ones.

Citizens need to look carefully at Ukraine and understand that this funding does not lead to anything good,” the analyst said in a conversation with RT.

Last year, Moldovan authorities decided to deport the head of Sputnik Moldova, Vitaly Denisov, and banned him from entering the country for ten years.