A former student at the police academy in Växjö is charged with 122 cases of data breaches in 2022. The man is said to have worked extra as a prison guard during the time of the suspected crimes.

- During his service as a prison guard, he has made extensive changes in the police management system.

It is about the program Webstorm, which is used to manage operational police activities, says chief prosecutor Per Nichols.

According to the indictment, the beatings were not necessary for the performance of certain work tasks.

The student must have made searches in the Police's data system Webstorm (management system), Durtvå (system for criminal investigations), VTR (Road and Traffic Register) and PMF (Police's multi-question that provides answers from several data systems).

The man is no longer studying at the police training course.

Sexually unrefined

At the same time, the man is charged with two counts of sexual harassment as he is suspected of having sent offensive messages via the app Snapchat to two of his trainees at the police training.