Also in the summary of this show


Faced with wild gold panning in Guyana, 

the French state accused of laissez-faire

We first go to Guyana, where several associations have filed an appeal against the State before the administrative court of Cayenne.

They denounce the failure of public authorities in the fight against illegal gold panning, the social, health and environmental consequences of which are disastrous for residents.

Tensions around a migrant and refugee camp in Mayotte

In Mayotte, a migrant camp set up at the Cavani stadium, in the town of Mamoudzou, is causing growing tensions in the neighborhood.

To protest against the presence of this camp and denounce the migratory situation on the island, a collective of citizens blocked several town halls on the island.

The Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories Gerald Darmanin took up the matter, announcing the dismantling of the camp and the repatriation to mainland France of the forty refugees who had obtained the right to asylum.

The rains are back in Mayotte

Still in Mayotte, the long-awaited return of the rains is causing the easing of restrictions linked to the use of water and the relief of the Mahorais.

Since Monday, water has been distributed every other day, instead of every third day until now, which allows the local economy to breathe.

New Caledonia: a citizen and ecological initiative

For around thirty years, a resident of Lifou, in New Caledonia, took the initiative of sorting his island's waste by himself.

Pierre Hnawia tackles cans and aluminum boxes abandoned by the thousands in nature or on beaches, as well as those left in front of his door by individuals who wish to help him in his task.

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