Daniel Lozano

Updated Friday, January 19, 2024-03:09

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Nicolás Maduro

does not give up his ideological battle with the Argentine president,

Javier Milei,

after several skirmishes.

"The Argentine people have to be sad, ashamed and outraged by the blunder that Javier Milei made at the

Davos Summit,

a shameful expression

of his Nazi ideology, of his McCarthyite ideology.

Between Nazism and McCarthyism is," emphasized the "people's president" during the

Congress of the New Era,

the pompous name chosen for one of his meetings with like-minded leaders.

For the Bolivarian leader, Milei accuses "the entire West of being communist, of socialist, anyone who does not think like him is a communist and must be exterminated from the face of the Earth. That is Nazi thought."

The Argentine president participated this Wednesday in the

World Economic Forum in Davos,

at the culmination of his first international tour.

And he did not leave anyone indifferent, between his irreverent ultraliberal proposals and his exacerbated criticism of the role of the State and the European partitocracy, as well as his doubts about climate change, something that Maduro himself also highlighted.


Argentina, from your beautiful depth. You have the security and have all the support of the people of

Simón Bolívar,

of the people of

Hugo Chávez,"

stressed the "conductor of victories", a faithful ally of Argentine



Already at the beginning of the week, knowing that the international spotlight was on Milei, the Chavista boss took the opportunity to describe it as a "fatal mistake" not only for Argentina, but for all of

Latin America.

Milei's victory was a blow for the

Puebla Group,

which brings together leftists, populists and revolutionaries, who counted on Peronism in power to maintain continental hegemony.

Javier Milei, this past Wednesday at the Davos Forum.FABRICE COFFRINIAFP

"You are wrong, Milei. They put you in Argentina to destroy the rule of law, to destroy all social and labor rights. To destroy the national economy and to

colonize Argentina and deliver it on its knees to North American imperialism,"

speculated Maduro, who For more than a decade in power he has pushed more than eight million Venezuelans to flee their country due to the economic, social and political collapse.

Milei's ironic response was immediate: "Maduro's impoverishing socialist saying that I am a historical mistake in Latin America confirms that

we are on the right path."