EFE The Hague


Updated Friday, January 19, 2024-12:52

The Government of the Netherlands announced this Friday the death of a baby of Dutch nationality in the missile attack carried out this week by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard against the city of Erbil, the capital of the Iraqi Kurdistan region, and summoned the Iranian ambassador to ask for explanations.

The Dutch Foreign Minister, Hanke Bruins Slot, explained that she spoke today with her Iranian counterpart, Hosein Amir Abdolahian, "to ask for clarification on the death of a Dutch child in the Iranian attacks in Erbil" and summoned the Iranian ambassador to the Netherlands .

"The death of a young child, less than a year old, is truly heartbreaking. We sympathize deeply with the family and the other victims of this attack. We are providing assistance and consultation to the family during this difficult time. I strongly condemn the attacks of Iran in Erbil," said Bruins Slot.

The minister made this announcement in a brief statement, in which she did not give further details about the identity of the affected family.

Iran's Revolutionary Guard announced on the 16th that it had attacked that same morning with ballistic missiles targets linked to the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group and "spies of the Zionist regime (Israel)" in the territory of Iraq and Syria.

In a statement, Tehran had assured that the place in Iraqi Kurdistan that it attacked with missiles was the "center for developing espionage operations and planning terrorist actions in the region, and especially in our country," of the espionage of "the Zionist entity." ".

After the attacks, the Government of Iraq denied that the missile attack had been directed against an Israeli Mossad headquarters, as Tehran alleges, and assured that it will present a complaint to the UN Security Council for this "Iranian aggression against residential places." with ballistic missiles" that caused at least four civilian victims.