Guinea: journalists released, but a union leader in the sector arrested in turn

Around ten Guinean journalists arrested and held all day on Thursday January 18 in gendarmerie garrisons were released by a court in Conakry.

They had been arrested at the Maison de la presse de Guinée where they had come to respond to a call from their union.

But, at the end of this court, the general secretary of the union of press professionals of Guinea was in turn arrested.

Sékou Jamal Pendessa was the most wanted journalist for calling for a demonstration on Thursday to denounce the severe restrictions on internet access (illustrative image) © CC0 Pixabay/Contributor

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With our correspondent in Conakry,

Mouctar Bah

Sékou Jamal Pendessa was the most wanted journalist for having called for a demonstration on Thursday to denounce the severe restrictions on internet access, a demonstration banned by the Guinean authorities.

Ironically, he was arrested in the courtyard of the Dixinn court where he had come to support his comrades arrested the day before and brought before the prosecutor.

He was taken and placed in police custody at the gendarmerie research brigade in Kipé, in the suburbs of Conakry.

Two other journalists arrested at the same time as him were released at the end of the afternoon after being questioned by the gendarmes.

As a reminder, in recent weeks, access to the internet has been severely restricted in Guinea, television channels removed from the main distribution packages and radio frequencies jammed.

For this aborted demonstration, the press union received the support of several civil society associations including the FNDC (coalition of political parties and unions which had fought against the third term of former president Alpha Condé) and the Forum social forces.

Read alsoGuinea: several journalists arrested then released during a rally against the censorship of several media


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