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Donald Trump

Photo: Matt Rourke / AP

Donald Trump made fun of the name of his Republican challenger for the presidential nomination, Nikki Haley, on his social media platform Truth Social.

He also falsely claimed that she was not allowed to run for president because her parents were not U.S. citizens at the time of Haley's birth.

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Trump challenger Nikki Haley

Photo: Matt Rourke / AP

Trump repeatedly referred to Haley, the daughter of Indian immigrants, as "Nimbra" four days before the New Hampshire primary.

Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, was born Nimarata Nikki Randhawa in Bamberg, South Carolina.

She always used her middle name, “Nikki.”

After her marriage in 1996, she adopted the surname “Haley.”

Trump, himself the son, grandson and husband of two immigrants, called Haley "Nimbra" three times in the post and said she "doesn't have what it takes" to be president.

It's just the latest example of the former president using race and ethnicity to racially attack people - particularly his political rivals.

Attacks are reminiscent of Trump's Obama conspiracy narrative

The attacks are reminiscent of Trump's rhetoric against former President Barack Obama.

Trump spent years spreading the racist conspiracy narrative that the first Black president of the United States was born in Kenya and was not a "real" U.S. citizen, as required by the Constitution.

Haley dismissed Trump's recent attacks as evidence that she is threatening his presidential nomination.

"I'll let people decide what he means by his attacks," Haley told reporters in New Hampshire when asked about Trump's false claims that her background disqualifies her for the White House.

"What we know is that he's clearly insecure when he has these tantrums."

The New Hampshire primary election will take place next Tuesday.

In the state on the US east coast, Trump is also clearly in the lead in polls among the Republican presidential candidates.

However, Haley has clearly caught up with the leader there, while Ron DeSantis is far behind in the single digits.

Trump already won overwhelmingly in Iowa.
